What we must fight to protect
Recently I met a Local Authority manager who runs a local
authority children’s centre. It is a
fantastic facility for young people.
There is play equipment, BMX track, outdoor cinema, kitchens and sound
recording studio. There are 10 of these
in the local authority and in recent years their opening days have been cut bit
by bit.
The manager told me a story.
He asked some of the children who visit where chips come from? The response was “Iceland”. The manager planted potato seeds with the children
and taught them where chips come from.
He then went on to challenge the children to see how many people they
could feed with £10. Most came back with
meals that could feed 3 or so people.
But after growing vegetables in the centre garden and some basic cookery
lessons the children soon knew how to feed 20 people.
This is just one example of the fantastic services local authorities
operate. Some people may read this and say
that this learning should be done in schools. However, these centres are open
after school finishes - If these centres are not open where will they go? Local Authorities are required to make
savings and it’s tough to decide where the axe falls.
You may wonder why I, a FM practitioner, have such a
passionate view on this subject. Well I believe that although FM is a non-core,
non-front line service, it deserves strategic input in to the core services of
a Local Authority. Local Authorities
property and support service portfolio is currently experiencing rapid change
as a result of the decisions being taken to make budget. It is
up to us FMs to deliver services to local authorities that support their changing
business. Here are some thoughts on how to do this in Local
Authority FM:
1. Right size the estate to the projected size of
the organisation
Understanding how much space is needed
is obviously key. Keeping space open plan
and flexible will minimise costs of churn. Perhaps keeping some “swing” space which can
be used if needed or let to new local businesses – can Local Authority FMs
become a local traded service, generating revenue?
2. Establish facilities to co-locate services
reducing the quantity of smaller properties
Can a library be the job centre,
children’s centre and housing offices all in one? If these can be collocated it would save in
all areas whilst protecting the services.
3. Centralise all FM budgets across all departments
to maximise synergies
Point 2 is rarely achieveable if
budgets aren’t centralised. There are
also big procurement benefits if only one department is buying all FM goods and
services. A single point of decision
making will also help with points 1 and 2 to speed up change and maximise
My view is that once we deliver at this level waste
will be removed, costs will come down in non-front line areas and the axe may
not need to be as big on the front line – especially on services future
generations rely on.
Excellent blog Robert and agree with all you say. Cutting costs is not all about cutting FM budgets but through working collaboratively, identifying and eliminating cost leakage and collaboratively analysing and addressing business & building needs; e.g. space utilisation and greater flexibility in maintenance strategies.